Malted bread with Scottish hot smoked Salmon, dressed watercress & baby spinach salad topped with beetroot relish with horseradish & dill.

Created by

Bruce McKenzie of Tartan Rocket, Glasgow


  • 30g - English Provender Beetroot Relish with Horseradish & Dill
  • 60g - Flaked Hot Smoked Salmon
  • 20g - Watercress
  • 120g - Malted Bread
  • 20g - Baby Spinach
  • 3g - Butter

Method or Assembly Order

  1. Flake the hot smoked Salmon
  2. Butter the malted bread
  3. Spread English Provender Beetroot Relish with Horseradish & Dill evenly on base slice
  4. Position Salmon on top of relish
  5. Add spinach and watercress salad
  6. Place second slice of malted bread on top
  7. Cut

Sandwich Designer of the Year 2015 

This sandwich won Bruce the English Provender Beetroot Relish with Horseradish & Dill category at the Scotland Heat.